Campbell County has a strong background with area agencies and networking on behalf of family programs. Program area focuses address health and safety, human development, food and nutrition.
Educational programs focus on strengthening individuals, families and communities by addressing critical issues and needs, such as teaching parenting skills, improving nutrition and health, managing family finances, addressing child care needs, and others.

How to Avoid Falling for a Jerk or Jerkette
An educational program for teens and adults designed for developing healthy individuals & relationships.
LEAPs Afterschool Program
Lottery for Education Afterschool Programs (LEAPs) at Elk Valley School in Pioneer, TN. Serving grades k-8th from 3:00 – 5:30 pm
M-F. Contact either Connie Greiner (FCS Agent) or Ross Hargis – Site Director at rhargis1@utk.edu.
Stay Strong Stay Healthy Program
Is a FREE evidence based 8-Week exercise program that has been shown to increase strength, balance, flexibility, and focuses on improving the health and wellbeing of older adults. The goal of the program is to provide safe, structured and effective strength training, along with nutritious cooking demonstrations.
Living Well with Chronic Conditions
If you or someone you know are living with a chronic condition such as diabetes, arthritis, cancer, chronic bronchitis, high blood pressure or other chronic diseases, this workshop can help take control of your life. This is a FREE 6-week program to help you manage your symptoms, manage stress, manage medications, and more!
Take Charge of Your Diabetes Program
Is a FREE fun, skill-building 6-week program for persons with pre-diabetes, diabetes, or for caregivers of a person who has diabetes. Participants gain skills necessary to self-manage their diabetes and work effectively with their health professionals.
Dining with diabetes
If you are having difficulty following diet instructions for managing diabetes, we can help. This FREE hands-on learning program is designed for people with diabetes or those at risk for diabetes. We can help you gain cooking skills and tools needed to follow a diet plan that all family members will benefit from.
Girls Inc. Lessons – Economic Literacy, Media Literacy & Equity Period
Girls will be encouraged to learn how the economy affects everyone locally and globally. Girls will be encouraged to develop skills critical to being financially savvy & economically independent adults. Girls will be encouraged to use critical thinking to identify & question intended and hidden messages in all forms of media. Period Equity teaches girls to understand the basics of puberty and menstruation, and to provide information to help reduce anxiety about current and future menstrual experiences.
Parenting Apart: Effective Co-Parenting
Face-to-face training to give parents information that will help support their children’s adjustment to the separation/divorce. The law also requires persons who are going to court for any custody changes involving minor children to attend the class when a parenting plan is required.
Food Preservation Workshops
Campbell County UT Extension offers hands-on workshops using both water bath and pressure canning methods.
Classes are $15 each and include all ingredients, jars, and a UT Extension canning guide. Canning classes will be held at different locations – please call for locations.
To register: email crgreiner@utk.edu or call 423-562-9474.
Free Pressure Canner Gauge Testing: Call 423-562-9474 to schedule appointment. Be sure to follow guidelines and have your canner tested yearly, when submerged in water, or dropped.
Contact Information
Connie Greiner
Ext Agent III
Phone: (423) 562-9474
Email: crgreiner@utk.edu
Skill Up Tennessee
Is a program designed for adults currently receiving SNAP benefits. Individual assessments will be offered to help set and achieve employment goals, along with work readiness training and career navigation. Support services to help pay for training and participation costs may be available, along with access to services such as adult education and vocational training.